Building brighter futures for girls in West Virginia

The Problem

<span class="text-highlight-turquoise">Generational, societal, and systemic barriers hold West Virginia girls back</span> from reaching their full potential and achieving their dreams.


of teen girls experiencing persistent feelings of hopelessness and sadness

> 50%

of the 50 counties ranked in the US with the poorest mental health are in West Virginia.


West Virginia ranks 48th for health outcomes among women & children, 47th for social & economic factors

1 in 4

children in West Virginia are living in poverty

What we do

Our goal is to reach every girl in need of a better future in WV

Girls in Public Schools

West Virginia youth are struggling with an unprecedented mental health crisis

Girls in Juvenile Justice

WV has the 2nd highest rate of youth in incarceration

Girls Transitioning from Foster Care

Our state has the highest rate of youth in foster care

Here's what women and girls have to say about our programs.

"Being in the Libera program has helped me so much in the short time that I've been in it. I have learned about empowering others and being empowered, it's good to know others have been through the same things as me...I feel less alone"

Libera mentee

"Libera has helped show me how many other experiences there are and that there are more struggles that exist beyond my knowledge. I have also learned that our internal narrative is not to be trusted but rather questioned and examined further because our brains don’t always tell the truth, just because we think it doesn’t mean it’s true!"

Libera mentor

"This group was helpful in the way of having time to tell about my feeling[s] and have someone to talk to."

Libera group participant (6th grade)

"Libera has helped me find out what I wanted my goals to be, where I wanted my path to go to, instead of being stuck in the habit of addiction that I was once in. So now I'm going to go to college next month for vocal performance, and I'm going to continue my road towards recovery."

Libera group participant

Every girl deserves the freedom to achieve her dreams.

Your participation can help transform the lives of teens across the state of West Viriginia.

September 25, 2024

Libera Welcomes Three AmeriCorps VISTA Service Members to the Organization

Libera Welcomes Three AmeriCorps VISTA Service Members to the Organization to Help Build Organizational Capacity and Enhance Programs
September 18, 2024

Libera Receives $499,999 from Appalachian Regional Commission’s INSPIRE Initiative

Libera’s project, Expansion of Libera Mentorship Program for At-Risk Young Women in WV, is part of a nearly $11.5 million award package and will allow Libera to expand their mentorship program to new
July 24, 2024

Our Kindness in Community Grant Award!

Libera receives a Kindness in Community Fund Grant from Born This Way, Cotton On, and its Cotton On Foundation

We also educate and employ West Virginia youth at our social enterprise, the Lila Bear Explor(her) Club.

We create educational and inspirational STEAM activity boxes for elementary youth ages 6 to 10 years old that introduce them to wild & wonderful Appalachian women and places.

Learn more about Lila Bear